Diosdado "Dodie" Mondero is a well known international muralist turned Fantasy Art illustrator. Originally from Manila, Philippines, he arrived in the States in 1979 at the age of 13 to begin a new life and pursue a career in art. He discovered the fantastic art of legendary artist Alberto Vargas, Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo and Olivia to name a few, firing up his passion to polish his skills to its highest level, mastering techniques in all media and styles, both traditional and digital art.
Mondero's knowledge and skills to design and create a variety of art mediums are what separates him from all others. His commissions ranges from major clients as Warner Brothers/ Vicorp to Disney, and an endless list of successful projects. His Illustrations were featured in magazines and published graphic novels.
Mondero also has gone back to his roots. Using his traditional skills as a fine artist and illustrator, he humbly embrace the 'digital art' world and entered the comic book industry. He has expanded and is now commissioned to do more cover art.
He is now the lead art director and comic book artist for the up coming tv cartoon in production called, The Baritonios. He joined his long time friend and writer, Steve Sprovieri to help develop a wacky crime drama surrounding a gang known as The Baritonios. It's legendary mystery stories with crime and exploitation from this group of street thugs....www.thebaritonios.com
There is no stopping this one....